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Compass: Financial Pathways

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Meaningful conversations with our members to understand the root of their financial needs has always been a part of the personalized service here at UMassFive. Embodying this spirit to empower our members, we are proud to offer the Compass program.


Meet with one of our Money Guides for a financial health check, and to establish action items for any financial goals you would like to achieve!

Members who partner with a Money Guide will work to complete a financial analysis that includes a budget and a credit review, as well as addressing individual goals. This journey may require 2-3 appointments.

Money Guides work with you one-on-one to review your goals, financial health, and establish a plan to get you on track. Meet with us to discuss:

  • Creating and maintaining a budget
  • Creating a plan to pay down debt
  • Setting financial goals and creating a plan to achieve them
  • Guidance on saving
  • Building or improving your credit
  • and more

Have a conversation with one of our Money Guides!
