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Computer & Technology Loan


From laptops to printers, cell phones, and more! We'll help you stay current, financing all of the technology you need.

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From our phones to our laptops, many of us couldn’t imagine life without personal technology. We carry it with us everywhere—use it to monitor our finances from afar, connect with old friends, and search for new opportunities.

So what happens when one of those pieces of technology breaks?

The expense that comes with replacing all of that processing power doesn’t need to be a burden if you haven’t set aside funds for a new device.


UMassFive is proud to offer our Computer & Technology Loan

that helps finance up to $15,000 in new technology with a maximum term of 4 years.

Finance: cameras • computers • phones • tablets • printers and more!

Special discounted financing is available for students and employees of the Five Colleges.

Lower Your Rate Even More With Co-op Points

That's right. With 2,500 Co-op Points, you can reduce your Computer & Technology Loan rate by 0.25%.


Computer & Technology Loan Rates

ProductAnnual Percentage Rate (APR)APR: 2,500 Co-op PointsMax TermLimits
Computer Loan9.90%9.65%48 Months$15,000.00


Payment example: 9.90% for 48 months equals $25.31 per $1,000 borrowed.

Ready to finance your new device?

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*For disclosures and additional details, visit here.
