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Microbusiness ACH Procedures

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Step-by-Step Directions to Send an ACH

Navigate to Transfers-->ACH Batch Transfers

Note: This functionality is only provided to Sub-Users if the Primary User has granted them access.


Any batch that is created requires a Recipient or receiver of funds. UMassFive suggests creating a recipient as your first step, under “Manage Recipients”, for any routine recipient of funds.

Managing Recipients

Navigate to Manage Recipients-->Continue




Recipient Details:

-Member will need to fill in all available boxes. Reminder: the Recipient is the person/organization at another institution.

Recipient Name =-The receiving person/organization’s full name. It will need to match the name of the receiving financial institution.






Assigning Batch Types

(optional): These are types of ACHs. As a member is creating a future batch using this recipient, they can only select a recipient with the batch type matching. So, if they are sending a CCD ACH for Joe Smith, Joe Smith will need to have CCD abilities otherwise the member will not be able to send the ACH. Different options become available depending on account type. At least one needs to be selected, however, all can be utilized under one recipient.

Routing Number: This is the Routing number at the receiving institution.

Account Number: This is the account number at the receiving intuition- it must match the receiver's information at the other institution for the ACH to go through.

Account type: The type of account at the receiving institution – checking or savings.

Create a Batch

Navigate to Create Batch>Manual Entry>Select type


Cash Concentration: Moving general funds from business to business at different financial institutions.

Corporate Collections: Funds moving into a UM5 business account.

Corporate Payments: Funds moving out of a UM5 business account for payments such as bills, rent, and loan payments.

Payroll: Funds moving from a business account to a consumer account for Payroll purposes.

Tax Payments: Funds moving in or out of a business account for tax purposes.

Review your submission and submit.

Add Batch Details


Company Name: The Account the funds are coming from. This is the UMassFive Account.

Description: What the ACH is for.

From: Which UmassFive account the funds will be coming from. Note: if Sub-Users are using ACH features, only the accounts they have access to will be available.

Effective Date: When you would like the ACH to be sent out. Keep in mind the cut-off time may create a lag period.

*Same-day processing is unavailable at this time


Select a recipient>Debit or Credit>Amount>Message>Check Mark>Review

*Debits will be requesting funds from the recipient, credits will give funds to the recipient

  • If a change needs to be made to the batch, it can be done BEFORE clicking review
  • Important parts of the review process include:
    • Verifying the FROM account
    • Verifying the Recipient, Routing, Account, account type, and amount (Debits are negative numbers)

Batch History

History can be viewed of all approved batches under Batch History. To view specific details click the amount to see more batch information.
