Keeping Up With Giving Back

The fall of 2021 offered more opportunities for UMassFive employees to get back out into the community to volunteer and give back. From greeting incoming students at some of our local colleges, to cleaning up the riverfront at Beachgrounds Park in South Hadley, team UMassFive was eager to get back into action.
We were most excited to get back to our annual fundraisers, the UMass Cancer Walk and Run and Will Bike 4 Food. Seven UMassFive employees participated in Will Bike 4 Food, an annual bicycling event that raises funds for the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. Our team cycled on courses ranging from 10-50 miles around the Valley during the September event, ultimately raising an impressive $4,150. The funds raised by Team UMassFive will equate to 16,600 meals for local families in need.
More than 25 UMassFive employees raised funds for the UMass Cancer Walk and Run, an annual event that raises funds for the UMass Cancer Center. Participants raised funds personally and in UMassFive branches through creative raffles, art sales, and bake sales. Many employees and their family members joined the October event at Polar Park in Worcester, which consisted of a speaking program followed by walking or running a five-mile course charted throughout the city. Team UMassFive raised over $16,000, an exciting number that landed us in the top five fundraising teams. The funds raised will go towards local cancer research and clinical trials at the UMass Cancer Center in Worcester.