Kate Gomberg
Kate began her career at UMassFive in July 2016 as a Member Service Specialist in the Northampton Branch. In May 2017, she began her role as the Human Resources Assistant.
Kate began her career at UMassFive in July 2016 as a Member Service Specialist in the Northampton Branch. In May 2017, she began her role as the Human Resources Assistant.
SMART is the Credit Union’s quality service motto. It stands for “Sharp, Motivated, Aware, Responsible, Team-Player.”
Here is what everyone has to say about Kate:
"Kate deserves this recognition not only because of my personal interactions with her always being pleasant, prompt, and helpful, but also because of all the heavy lifting she’s had to do with departmental changes alongside implementing our new system for performance reviews, which I’m sure involves a lot more deadlines on her side. We always say UMassFive is built upon our internal efforts to live our mission, and HR is integral in building and maintaining that culture"
"The second key component of SMART is “M” - MOTIVATED. That is represented by an employee who “is always positive and encouraging, along with continuously improving the quality of service for others. Kate Gomberg is an employee who continually meets or exceeds those expectations because of her dedication to all staff members through her extremely proficient bi-weekly payroll processing (and very carefully crafted reminders). Thanks to Kate for having that positive, can-do attitude and going the extra mile to ensure everyone’s accounts are proficiently administered."